Surabaya merupakan
kota multi etnis yang kaya akan budaya. Beragam etnis bermigrasi ke Surabaya.
Sebut saja etnis Melayu, China, India, Arab dan Eropa sementara etnis Nusantara
sendiri antara Lain Madura, Sunda, Batak, Kalimantan, Bali, Sulawesi datang dan
menetap, hidup bersama serta membaur dengan penduduk asli membentuk pluralisme
budaya yang kemudian menjadi ciri khas kota Surabaya.
Inilah yang membedakan
kota Surabaya dengan kota-kota di Indonesia.
(Google Translate)
Surabaya is a multi-ethnic city that is rich in culture.
Ethnically diverse migrate to Surabaya. Call it the Malays, Chinese, Indians,
Arabs and Europeans while ethnic archipelago itself among Other Madurese,
Sundanese, Batak, Borneo, Bali, Sulawesi, came and settled, living together and
mingle with the natives form of cultural pluralism which later became the
hallmark of the city of Surabaya .This is what distinguishes the city of
Surabaya with cities in Indonesia.
Surabaya is a multi-ethnic city which is rich in culture.
Kind of ethnics migrate to Surabaya. We called it the Malays, Chinese, Indians,
Arabs and Europeans while ethnic archipelago itself among Other Madurese,
Sundanese, Batak, Borneo, Bali, Sulawesi, came and settled, living together mingle
with the natives form of cultural pluralism which later became the hallmark of
the city of Surabaya .That’s different between the city Surabaya with cities of